Free Essay Writing Assistance: Know Your Strengths
Writing essays can be very stressful, especially for those who are unsure of their writing strengths. Strong points can be different for all. For instance, some students may shine when it comes to writing introductions and conclusions, while others do well in expressing their thoughts clearly and succinctly. If you want to improve your writing it’s important that you take inventory of your strengths in order to know what you are working with. Your strengths should be emphasized, but you’ll also want to spend more time on those areas where you struggle. Here’s some advice on the matter:
- Reading Habits: Some students read omnivorously, meaning that they read constantly and will read anything. If this sounds like you then you are in great shape. Reading a lot of material will open your mind to several different writing styles, which can translate into great essay writing. If you don’t tend to read that much then start with a few articles each week, work your way up to a book every two weeks.
- Spoken Vocabulary: Many believe that the standard for any language is in the way in which it is spoken. When you read an article you often find that conversational tones are much easier to understand than say highly academic pieces. While you don’t want to use slang in your works you should be conscious of how your essay writing comes across to the regular person. The more you rely on using words that are used often in regular speech the easier it will be to make a connection with your audience.
- A Good Ear: Try reading your paper aloud from time to time. Listen to how the words sound coming off the page. Do you hear any clunkers? Are there any phrases or sentences you’d like to re-write? Having a good ear doesn’t just apply to music or singing, it can work to improve your writing as well. Any part of your paper that trips you up as you read will likely trip up your audience as well. Practice mastering this strength.
- Excellent Transitions: Transition sentences are those sentences that appear at the end of each paragraph to guide the reader into the next section of your essay. Many students have trouble with these, but they are extremely important as they serve to provide a sense of continuity in your writing. Try reading some articles to understand how they work. Practice these continuously. In a short matter of time you should be able to write some effective transitional sentences on your own.